FCIT Events (2023)

Campus Life and Events at FCIT
Year 2023

Sr. No. Event Date Organizers Type  of  Event Site
1. CODE  BEES  2.0 21.12.2023 GDSC Speed Programming Competition Iqbal
2. CODE  FEST  4.0 21.12.2023 GDSC Speed Programming Competition Iqbal
3. Insights  of PakWheels  App and  Future  of Mobile Technology 12.12.2023 GDSC Speaker session/tech talk Iqbal
4. Visit  of  Main Library, University  of  the Punjab,  Lahore 8.12.2023 Library  Management Library  Visit Jinnah
5. Prize Distribution Ceremony  Mini Olympics  2023 5.12.2023 Sports  Society Prize Distribution Ceremony Jinnah
6. Prime  Minister’s Youth  Laptop Distribution Ceremony 7.11.2023 Office  of  the  Students Affairs 158  Laptops are distributed  to FCIT  students Quaid-e- Azam
7. PEF
Scholarships Distribution Ceremony
19.10.2023 Office  of  Student Affairs  (OSA) 87  Fully- Funded Professional Education Foundation (PEF)
Scholarships Distribution Ceremony
8. Inaugural  of  PEF Lounge 19.10.2023 Office  of  Student Affairs  (OSA) To Commorate PEF  for  its generous contribution of scholarships for  FCIT students Iqbal
9. Productivity Through  Sunnah Speaker: Muhammad  Ali 10.10.2020 FIMS YouthClub Iqbal
10. Unlock  the World,  Unleash Your  Potential  ! Speaker: 24.9.2023 Placement  and  Alumni Office  (PAO) Takashi Horiuchi
Plus  W,  Japan
Takashi  Horiuchi
11. Cracking  the Coding  Interview 20.9.2023 Placement  and  Alumni Office  (PAO) Saira  Asad, DirAction Skills Iqbal
Bazm-e-Beit Bazi  Banaam Jashan-e-
15.6.2023 Literary  Society Iqbal
13. Hands  On Bootcamp: Session  on Artificial Intelligence  (AI) Applications 1.6.2023 GOOGLE  DEVELOPERS STUDENT  CLUB  (GDSC) Speaker session/tech talk Jinnah
14. Tribute  to  Late Dr  Younis  –  Math Quiz  Competition 30.5.2023 EMS Quiz Iqbal
15. Speed Programming Workshop Speaker:  Ahmad Saif 25.5.2023 GDSC
Ahmad  Saif, BCSF19M509,  ICPC
Gold  Medalist
Speaker session/tech talk Jinnah
16. Machine Learning  –
Unveiling  the Mysteries
23.5.2023 GDSC Speaker session/tech talk Jinnah
17. Inaugral Ceremony  of Student Discourse Centre  (SDC)  by Chairman  PHEC Prof  Dr  Shahid Munir 18.5.2023 Office  of  Student Affairs  (OSA) Establishment of  SDC Iqbal
18. Impact  of Artificial Intelligence 10.5.2023 GDSC Speaker session/tech talk Jinnah
19. CyberFest  1.0 4.5.2023 GDSC
Cyber  Fest  1.0  ,an online  virtual  event  on Deep  Dive  into Programming  with  C-II (Getting  started  with Linux).
Workshop Jinnah
20. APPFEST  1.0 28.4.2023 GDSC Hackathon Jinnah
APPFEST  1.0  ,  is  a
technology-focused event  that  includes  an app  development  and web  development contest,  as  well  as  a female  coding competition  called Code  BEES.
Hassan  Bin Sabat  (R.A.) Muqabala-e- Naat  Khwani
20.4.2023 Literary  Society Iqbal
Hassan  Bin Sabat  (R.A.) Muqabala-e- Naat  Khwani
19.4.2023 Literary  Society Jinnah
23. Preparing Workforce  for the  Global  IT Industry Speaker:  Prof. Dr.  Sohail  H. Naqvi  (S.I.) 19.4.2023 Placement  and  Alumni Office  (PAO) KnowlEdge Streams Iqbal
24. CyberFest  1.0 13.4.2023 GDSC
CyberFest  1.0,  featuring a  deep  dive  into programming  with  a  C workshop.
Workshop Jinnah
25. Gender Disparities  & Women Empowerment in  Pakistan Speaker:  Ms Feroza  Batool 5.4.2023 EMS Ms  Feroza Batool,  the Project Manager  of Human  Rights Convention  of Pakistan Iqbal
26. Quiz Competition Sawal-andar- Sawal 1.4.2023 Literary  Society Online
27. Cyber  Security 101  Bootcamp 30.3.2023 GDSC
Cyber  Security Bootcamp  –  the ultimate  destination  for tech  enthusiasts  who
Bootcamp Jinnah
want  to  enhance  their cybersecurity  skills and  knowledge!
28. Pakistan  Day Celebrations 23.3.2023 EMS National  Day Iqbal
29. CodeFest  3.0 22.3.2023 GDSC
CodeFest  3.0  a  speed coding  competition
Hackathon Jinnah
30. Flutter  Unlocked 20.3.2023 GDSC Speaker session/tech talk Jinnah
31. Faculty  Cricket Match  –
Iqbal  Site  vs. Jinnah  Site
15.3.2023 Sports  Society Faculty Cricket  Match Jinnah
32. Mini  Olympics 15-
Sport  Society Sports Festival Jinnah
33. Beyond  5G Communication for  Society  5.0 Speakers:  Dr.
Yuto  Lim  and  Dr. Saher  Javaid
10.3.2023 EMS Speaker session/tech talk Iqbal
34. Fazaail-e-Ahlay Beit 14.2.2023 Literary  Society Fakhar  Mehdi Jinnah
35. FAREWELL NIGHT  –  2023 10.2.2023 Placement  and  Alumni Office FAREWELL Jinnah
36. Introduction  to Web3  & Metaverse 9.2.2023 GDSC Info  session Jinnah
37. 12th   Job  Fair  – 2023 2.2.2023 Placement  and  Alumni Office Jinnah
38. CodeFest  2.0 27.1.2023 GDSC Hackathon Jinnah
39. Exploring  the Cutting-Edge Technologies 25.1.2023 Placement  and  Alumni Office  +  EMS Devsinc Jinnah
40. Career Counselling, Resume  Writing, and  Interview Skills
Speaker:  Mr Ejaz  Ashraf
20.1.2023 Health,  Wellness,  and Safety  (HWS)  Society Career Counselling Jinnah Also, Facebook Live
41. Moving  Towards The  End  of Times 17.1.2023 Literary  Society Shiza  Asghar Jinnah
42. Competitive Programming Workshop 16.1.2023 GDSC
This  workshop  will  get you  up  and  running with  Competitive Programming,  its platforms,  the techniques  and  all  the related  stuff  that  can make  the  difference between  you  and  your team  losing  it  or  taking it  all  home.
Speaker session/tech talk Jinnah
43. Alumni  Cricket Match  Iqbal  vs. Jinnah  Site 13.1.2023 Sports  Society Cricket  Match Jinnah
44. Competitive Programming and  Tech  Career Speaker:  Ayesha Siddiqa 10.1.2023 GDSC Info  session Jinnah