Internetworking with Linux-Page2

Lec11 Apache Web Server HTTP

This session is a continuation of previous session, in which we talked about overview of WWW as well as HTTP. This session will start with the concept of web hosting. We will install and configure Apache web server on Ubuntu Server machine, create static web pages and access them using a browser from our client Kali machine. We will then install php on Ubuntu server machine and create a simple dynamic web page and access it using a browser from our client Kali machine. The concept of shared hosting is also discussed and implemented using Linux a2ensite(1) and a2dissite(1) commands. Finally, the security flaw in http is discussed and practically shown using wireshark.


Lec12 Apache Web Server HTTPS

This session is a continuation of previous session, in which at the end we talked about the security flaw in HTTP, while using Apache web server. In this session, we are going to extend HTTP to HTTPS i.e., HTTP over SSL/TLS to achieve data confidentiality (using encryption), data integrity (using hashing and digital signatures) and client/server authentication (using digital certificates). This is implemented using Linux a2enmod and a2dismod commands to enable ssl module in apache web server.


Lec13 MySQL Server

This session deals with installation, configuration and usage of MySQL server on a Ubuntu Server machine and MySQL client on a Kali Linux machine. First of all, a bit of user management is done, i.e., creating, deleting users and granting/revoking privileges to them. Then a remote login is made from client machine Kali to perform various database management operations including creating, modifying and deleting databases and tables. Different constraints like not null, unique, primary key, foreign key, default, check and index are discussed. Scripts are used to run various SQL statements. Finally, different queries are run on a database to make the students understand the concepts of different SQL operators, functions, joins, sub-queries, views, transactions, triggers and events.


Lec14 Designing and Deploying Web App using LAMP

This session is the concluding session of previous four sessions. It covers the installation and configuration of all the required software packages for LAMP architecture. A web application is developed using MySQL to create a database and PHP is used as a server side language to access/update the records in that database. A user accesses the web app to display records from the database as well as update the records using procedural API of MYSQLi. Finally different form validation techniques are discussed. (


Lec15 NFS Server

This session deals with installing, configuring and using UNIX Network File Server. A shared directory hierarchy is created on Ubuntu Server machine which is accessed from client machines running Kali Linux and Windows10. Concept of mounting a file system is discussed using mount


Lec16 NTP Server

This session gives an overview of how time is managed on Linux systems. It differentiates between the hardware timer and kernel Timer. It then discusses about installing and configuring your own time server on Ubuntu server machine. The client machines which are a Linux Kali and a Windows10 machine then synchronises their clocks with the NTP server running on Ubuntu Server machine.


Lec17 Overview of Domain Name Server

This session deals with Internet Domain Name System, a hierarchical decentralised naming service that runs on thousands of computers all around the globe and is responsible for mapping hostnames with their IP addresses and vice versa. All the related concepts and important related terms are described to make the stage right for the next session that will deal with installing ,configuring, and using BIND as a private network DNS server.


Lec18 Installing, Configuring & Using BIND as Private NW DNS Server

This is a continuation of the previous session of Overview of DNS. In this session we will install, configure and use BIND as a private network DNS server( The three client machines are Kali Linux, Windows10 and Winxp. The main configuration file of DNS named.conf is discussed to add trusted access control list of clients and to mention about recursive or iterative DNS queries. Forward and reverse zone files are created with quite a discussion of different types of DNS resource records. Finally the client side configurations are done on both Linux and Windows machines.


Lec19 Proxy Server

This session will deal with proxy server, which is a program running on a computer that sits between a client computer and the Internet and provide indirect services to client. The different uses of a proxy server for network administrator as well as for hackers are discussed. The concept of using proxy servers for hiding foot prints of a cyber attack are discussed. Finally squid proxy server is installed and configured on Ubuntu Server machine and its different uses are shown on Kali Linux and Windows10 client machines.


Lec20 Fire Walls and IP tables

This session deals with how to secure your systems using a firewall, which is a network security system either h/w or s/w based, that uses rules to control incoming and outgoing NW traffic. The types of iptables (filter, nat, mangle, raw, and security) are discussed. The filter-iptables are discussed in length with input, output and forward chains and how to write rules for these chains. The practical implications of different rules are shown by running different applications. Finally the working of uncomplicated firewall (UFW) is also shown.
